Hey everone, sorry about not posting when I've promised I will, but I'll try to keep up on it, I've just been out and about doing things, and I will share them with you.
So first off I promised I would share with you a scrapbook that I have been working on. Now I first started working on this scrapbook the summer of 2006 between my freshman and sophomore year in college, and at that time I had also gotten a summer job at Michael's, which limited my time of working on it. So i did about 5 pages and then went to school and never touched it again. So this summer I decided that I had to finish it, so so far I have been doing between two and four pages a day, so hopefully I will be done soon. So I think...I have the hardest time with making layouts and putting all my pictures together on the same page, because I have organized them in a manner that the pictures in a pile all need to go on the two pages, so it's kinda of hard.
So first off I am going to start off by showing you the first few pages that I started off in 2006 and then I will show you the new ones that I have started on this summer.
So here is my title page, it has no layout, back then I had no technique or any idea what I was doing, and even now I'm not sure I know what Im doing but Im hoping that the more I do the better I will get. So here it is.

So if you are wondering, the theme of my scrapbook is the reconstruciton of my parents dairy. Back in 2004 my parents were able to purchase the land that they were renting to keep their animals on and run their small business. Because they were renting they didn't have any big plans for fixing thing and making things better because it was temporary so when we purchased the land in 2004 my parents begain remodeling and reconstructing the entire dairy and it looks nothing like it did before. I will share more of the story as I share more scrapbook pages, but if you are intersted in my check out
this post that I wrote a while back, but I will have to apolagize but somehow the pictures are not visable.
Paper: K&Copany, LLC 12x12 Cowby Red Gingham Flat Paper, K&Company, LLC 12x12 Denim Flat Paper
Accessories: Karen Foster Design Farm mini charms,Jolee's Boutique Barnyard, Reminisce Farm Life Self-adhesive Epoxy Embellishments, it takes two farm stickers, On the Farm rub-on, Reminisce Farm Life Self-adhesive Diecut Stickers